Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Invasion

So my pastor and I went to a movie the other night at 9:45 PM. We went to see the The Invasion, a movie about an alien germ like creature that takes over human beings. It was kinda weird, but there was a distinct and obvious philosophy put forward both overtly and covertly.

Human beings are inherently self interested, and to lose that quality of self interest, meaning to experience a harmony of interests or to achieve unity, would necessarily mean losing our humanity.

The movie achieves this unity through the destruction of humanity, but in the end humanity reigns supreme and self interest return to the throne. The movie ends with the statement that we need self interest in order to be human and in order to be good.

What is missing from this is a biblical idea of a harmony of interest as well as unity through Christ. When we are devoted to serving Christ and realize that we are not our own but that we are bought with a price, we can set aside our own selfish desires and ambitions in order to submit to Christ.

Do we lose our humanity when we are submitted to Christ? Paul wrote that he was dead nevertheless he lived…yet not him…but it was Christ living through him.

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