Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Who You Following?

I’ve had several people in the last couple of weeks express their disappointment in people who leave a church after a certain pastor leaves. We’ve all seen it, and it’s happened in numerous churches. But, I have a problem with the comments against these people. The comments tend to actually adroitly and underhandedly question their salvation. Things like, “It concerns me when people follow a man rather than Christ” are disappointing to me.

The truth is that God works through men. Paul told the people, “follow me as I follow Christ.” And, the Bible is full of God raising up men as leaders of the people and the people as sheep following them. Elijah, Samuel, Moses, Joshua, Peter, Paul, and on and on and on. God doesn’t anoint an institution or a system. He anoints men, and His sheep follow then.

The institutions that we build (or rather that the Lord builds through us) mean nothing to Him. He will care for His sheep by anointing the man he wishes. And, He raises up and lowers men and institutions as he wills.

I guess the bottom line is that I’m less willing to create the either/or straw man of either following Christ or following man. I’m seeing more and more that we follow Christ and follow men.

I should note that part of this understanding comes from the Lords clear direction to me to come to the Three Rivers CRC and follow Pastor Tim Raakman. I’ve no idea what would happen if Tim left, but right now I’m to follow him as he follows Christ.

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