Friday, June 25, 2004


I’ve been thinking along the subject from yesterday, and have a few words to add.

I wonder if my purpose for being whatever God has made me, professionally I mean, is primarily to learn to accept what he has chosen for me at that time. I wonder if in learning to accept and embrace what God has chosen for me that I actually learn and grow to a point where He will send me to the next point. Perhaps the faster I embrace and excel the faster I advance and move on.

This is an interesting contrast to those dreamers who are always looking toward the future and where the Lord really wants them. For we all know that God certainly doesn’t want us at this humble point that we are now at.

I think that each level is designed primarily to make us more humble and that as we are humbled we move to the next stage of learning and responsibility.

May I accept where God has put me.

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