Thursday, October 02, 2008

Why $

I heard tonight that the greed of the financial company CEOs and the rich wall street types led to the riskier and riskier loans until everything finally collapsed…now we need to rescue these rich, fat cats from their own designs.

Well, I own stock, as do many people, and I want higher returns in order to prepare for retirement and grow my family’s wealth. I count my investments in tens of thousands…not millions, but I contributed to the “greed” of wishing for higher returns. Stock holders, retirees and families and IRA holders, want higher returns which means higher risk.

Stock holders have demanded higher returns, and CEOs who didn’t pursue those returns were threatened with the loss of their jobs. Bank A is getting 15% returns and Bank B 8%. Which stock will you buy? That’s what it comes down to…not the vague rich and powerful and greedy.

It’s about us.

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