Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Less can be More

Shishak took the temple treasures from Rehoboam. He took all the gold ornaments and especially the gold shields used by the guards. Rehoboam responded quickly and decisively. He had bronze shields made to keep up the appearances. In fact, the bronze shields were stored away for safe keeping unless their bright bronze shields presenting them to the king. As he left, they hurriedly returned them safely to their storage room.

God knows what his children can handle and how faithful they will be with different things. For instance, I would not be faithful with a million dollars at this point; therefore, I don’t have it. Is that a blessing or a curse?

Rehoboam was not strong enough to be faithful with a gold ordained temple, and the Lord saw to it that he didn’t have to be. Rehoboam was exceptionally faithful with a bronze ordained temple, and God blessed the nation with peace for nearly his entire reign.

I know that I would make a god out of television; so, I don’t have one. I would make a god out of nice cars; so, I don’t drive a car that I can’t walk away from at any time. Wouldn’t it make sense that God would care for us in that way as well?

Thomas Jonathan Jackson, (i.e., Stonewall Jackson) once said that he didn’t use tobacco in any form. Why? He found that he liked it too much.

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