Saturday, January 29, 2005


I believe that nothing in my life happens by chance, every encounter I have, every advertisement I read, every news report I hear, every person I meet is appointed by God. It was once said that if there is a single molecule in the universe that God is not explicitly in control of then He cannot be God.

God is personal, and He personally cares for me and you. He is constantly teaching us, growing us in His ways, and perfecting us. I’ve been asked if I believe in Purgatory (This is the holding place that a Christian may be kept in as they are prepared for heaven.), and to this I reply a hearty “yes”. Then I finish with, “we are now in purgatory.” We are now being prepared for heaven. Our journey here on earth is two-fold. We do the work of the Lord and expand the kingdom of God, but we are made righteous and prepared to meet our Savior.

What I’ve been really thinking about lately is what the purpose is for each individual God brings across my path. Some people are difficult to deal with, and perhaps a challenge to love. Some may be stubbornly irresponsible or even rebellious. Some may be sanctimoniously righteous in their own eyes. Some may be complex while others lead simple lives. Each person I meet, deal with, correct, am corrected by or visit with has an impact on me and is purposed by God to lead me up the path of righteousness. So, sometimes I just stop and try to figure out why I am where I am, why I am with who I’m with and why I’m doing what I’m doing.

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