Thursday, October 16, 2003

Looking in the Mirror

Every person that God has me deal with in an intimate way eventually has me looking back at myself. Let me put this delicately...God has been showing me the following about myself through others:

1. I am a prideful, haughty, stiffnecked person.

2. I have a tendency to try to "be ahead" of anyone giving me instruction, exhortation, advice or direction. This is a pride manifestation.

3. I have a tendency to manipulate situations for try and make myself look good (in my own eyes).

4. I have need of more ambition.

Why is it that these are so easy to see in others and so easy for others to see in us...but we hide them from ourselves so well. I guess we believe the own lies of our heart because we (in our pride) feel that we are so smart that we should believe ourselves. I once heard a comedian say that he used to think that the brain was the most magnificent part of the body...then he realized what was telling him that!

So God shows us our weaknesses by bringing them forward for us to see in those around us.

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