Monday, October 20, 2003

The Truth

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

I have been thinking the last couple of days about how do I know who I am. Can I look and search within myself? Jeremiah makes clear that the heart is (above all things) wicked and unknowable. Can I intellectualy examine my psyche? James says that we lie even to ourselves all the time. Can I ask others who I am? This is probably a bit better than the others; however no one can judge our hearts (including us). Where do we find the truth about who we are?

Only in Jesus Christ who is the truth can I find out who I am. While the non-Christian world scurries about looking for distraction after distraction so that they will never have to look at themselves in the mirror of the Word made flesh, we should be examining our lives in light of the Holy scripture. Aristotle said that the unexamined life is not worth many people today will do virtually anything to remain unexamined?

So who am I? I am a sinner who has been covered (mercifully) by the blood of Jesus Christ. The only difference between me and the lying, cheating, murdering, homosexual, barbaric heathen is the blood of Christ covering my barbarism. Because He covered me (He loved me first), I bow humbly before Him as a servant before his king. I am far from the perfect servant. I am far from the perfect adopted child, but I am a child of His nonetheless.

Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed [each other]. Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. (Psalm 85:10-11)

Psalm 85 is a Messianic Psalm directly describing Christ. When we see the truth of ourselves through Christ, we see the mercy of God toward us. When we see the truth of our condition, we see the abject splendor of his righteousness.

Today was a bit theological, but the real point is the darkness that those who reject Christ are in.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Looking in the Mirror

Every person that God has me deal with in an intimate way eventually has me looking back at myself. Let me put this delicately...God has been showing me the following about myself through others:

1. I am a prideful, haughty, stiffnecked person.

2. I have a tendency to try to "be ahead" of anyone giving me instruction, exhortation, advice or direction. This is a pride manifestation.

3. I have a tendency to manipulate situations for try and make myself look good (in my own eyes).

4. I have need of more ambition.

Why is it that these are so easy to see in others and so easy for others to see in us...but we hide them from ourselves so well. I guess we believe the own lies of our heart because we (in our pride) feel that we are so smart that we should believe ourselves. I once heard a comedian say that he used to think that the brain was the most magnificent part of the body...then he realized what was telling him that!

So God shows us our weaknesses by bringing them forward for us to see in those around us.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

The Present

I recently read a book by Dr. Spencer Johnson, MD, entitled The Present. The book is about a story of how an old man taught a young man (a boy at first) that the secret to happiness was to receive a particular present. The present could only be given by one's self, and unless it was embraced, one would live a life of anguish. The long and short of the story was that the "present" is the present. When we live in the past or the future, we are in anguish in the present. We long to leave the one moment that we never can.

Johnson's points are:

1. We need to learn from the past but not live in it.

2. We need to embrace the present. Focus on the task at hand. Don't allow yourself to be distracted.

3. We need to plan for the future. The more we plan for the future the more likely it will be better than the present and the less fear we will have of it.

4. All this must be wrapped up in a purpose for our life.

While the book is not a distinctively Christian book, it is certainly a description of a Christian life. The book has helped me profoundly (which may seem a bit overstated given the simply summary the book). What is your purpose? Are you living in the past or the future? Are you despising the present?

Remember, God brought you to the present. "A man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Would you despise the "present" God gave you?

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

The last week or so has found me thinking specifically about how God views our appearance. God apparantly held the appearance of His children in high regard in that he forbids them from piercings and other certain clothing types in Leviticus 19 and our Lord specifically tells us to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Martin Luther would have reasoned that if God tells us to not appear improper then He is also telling us to appear proper. This goes for how we act, how we look and how we care for ourselves. How can we be trusted with the great things of God when we do not strive for the proper in the base things of this world?

I've really been thinking more along the lines of how some of the great and well-known people of the world had certain signature things that made them unique. They took great care to create a certain image. I'm thinking of people like Churchill with his cigars, striped suits and specially made boller. I think of Lincoln and his hat (Here is a guy that is 6-8 inches taller than most everybody else who takes care to appear even taller and more intimidating.), and Barbara Bush with her string of pearls. I wonder why we Christians don't take the effort to cultivate a distinctive Christian image for ourselves? I need to mark my life both by how I live and by how I appear.

I believe that our appearance can tell a lot about who we are. I have a friend who says that inside he is a cowboy. He likes to where a cowboy hat and boots whenever he can. That tells me about who he is. It is distinctive and unique. What outward appearance of mine is me? When I where a sportcoat or suit with a vest and a tie. That is my inside on the outside. Who are you?
As a note to my readers:

I am working to improve the blog and add features. As a consequence there may be test posting occassionally. For that I apologize before hand.
In the beginning Joe created his blog page, and he saw that it was good.