Saturday, December 05, 2015

Shake My Head

Since September 11, 2001, there have been 43 clear incidents of Islamic inspired terrorism on United States soil.  In these incidents of Muslim actors attacking innocent men, women and children, 89 people have been killed and countless more injured.  How does the Obama administration deal with the problem?  Threaten to prosecute derogatory speech about Islam; and they go after the guns owned by people who are not the problem.  They also push to bring thousands of more Muslims to this country.

There is really no question that the vetting process is basically non-existent.  The FBI has made that perfectly clear the vetting process currently used cannot filter out any bad guys.  The process is a set of forms filled out by non-american workers in foreign countries, an interview (where they are asked if they are coming to attack the USA), and a background check (for which there is really no database to check these people against).  This process can take up to 2 years...not because it's thorough....because it is government.

We have agencies like Catholic Relief Services and the USCCB Committee on Migration making reckless and misleading statements about the situation.  Bishop Elizondo, chair of the USCCB Committee on Migration, recently exhorted bishops to push for refugees to be resettled in the USA.  On the question of security and safety, he says there is a government vetting process that takes up to two years.  He says that perhaps this process could be improved, but there is a process.

Bishop Elzondo ignores the growing evidence that the vetting process is basically non-existent and that terrorists have clearly slipped through and continue to slip through.  I heard a Catholic Relief Services leader on Catholic XM Radio channel basically just say the vetting process is up to the government.  CRS is pushing for more immigrants, for which they receive government funding, and punting the issue of safety to the "government."  They do this knowing full well that there is no safety or security.

All of this takes place while Jordan has put forth a plan to settle refugees there.  The USA would be safer, but the relief organizations in the USA wouldn't get money...organizations in Jordan would get funding. There is a safe, reasonable alternative to settling these people here, but there are other agendas involved.